We believe that….

Veteran advocacy is not a "For-Profit Venture", rather it is a spiritual calling & a moral imperative of service.

United States Military service and/or combat based operations has the potential to be a transformative affirmation of life.

Within the veteran service entitlement model the variable of time is often overlooked, while veterans suffer in their trek from months to years, in an attempt to adjust back to civilian life. As they wait for help that feels like help veterans encounter substance abuse, homelessness, & arrest often replacing employment, liberty, & freedom.

The alternative to resiliency & an effective civilian reintegration model for veterans is an alarming one. State agencies often fail to have multi-systemic reintegration models, non-profit agencies are often rooted in a single service delivery model, & this creates a vacuum of need federal agencies can not fill.

Multi-systemic, statistically proven models of soldier to civilian reintegration should be the norm & not the exception. Multi-service collaboration is the key to success.

Nationwide, billions of donated dollars have gone to alleged veteran organizations that do nothing more than capitalize on the good will of Americans. We find this dishonor sickening and seek to right this social imbalance. Social responsibility, Fiscal Transparency, and Social Justice is the foundation of community trust we are built upon.

VetFuel™ is a LEAN organization. We constantly strive for a value creation process that has zero waste and limited overhead.

Veterans are not victims of inability, lack of skill, or lack of personal will. We believe that structured reintegration, not long-term entitlement dependency, is the key to civilian self-actualization after military service.

VetFuel's™ vision seeks to fulfill President Lincoln's promise which we interpret as the following: To care for those whom shall have borne the battle, by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s Veterans regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information, or disability.

We interpret this promise to include service to veterans that have been victims of crimes such as Military Sexual Trauma, who want to maintain anonymity by using private providers. This includes direct advocacy for female veterans, by female veterans, whom have had their voices muted.

We interpret this promise to include service to veterans that have been discharged under Other Than Honorable conditions, transient, & homeless veterans. We help everyone without apology & this includes veterans convicted of felonies, but not any veteran charged with or convicted of: Domestic Violence, Vehicular Assault, Sexual crimes of any sort, and/or Arson.

By committing to this course of action we have framed ourselves squarely in line with a moral obligation to charity.

VetFuel's™ vision is to create, maintain, & preserve an ever-present beacon of social justice for the veterans we serve. We will continue to ensure that every veteran lives in a Country where they can successfully petition the government for a redress of grievances, using their own language, forging their own life’s destiny free of obstruction, disease, & barriers towhere they can worship or not worship, in the manner they deem fit for their lives.