Request a VetFuel Gas Card

All submissions to become the property of the organization VetFuel, Inc. We will not use, sell, or share your personal and/or identifying information in any way. You hereby allow VetFuel, Inc. its board, and legal advisors to use this information in a manner consistent with the application for assistance and support of VetFuel’s operations. By requesting assistance you hereby relinquish VetFuel, Inc. from any liability and hold harmless its board, its members, its funders, & agent.

We reserve the right to follow up with you via phone, email, or U.S. mail.

We reserve the right to refuse service to any veteran charged with and/or convicted of a sexual crime.

Please fill out this online form & one of us will contact you within 48 hours. We ask that you provide proof of veteran status via one of the following: A V.A. identification card, DD-214, Driver’s License showing veterans service, or a letter from a veteran service office(r) / veteran services case manager & proof of income. A Medicare or Medicaid card with your name can be used as proof of income. Current budget letters from state social services offices can also serve as proof of income.